
Located Southwest Of Pagosa Springs, Colorado, this Pagosa Springs area community is comprised of 1,280 acres with 160 parcels ranging from 5-40 acres.

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Real Estate Statistics

Average Price $375K
Lowest Price $169K
Highest Price $986K
Total Listings 8
Avg. Price/SQFT $428

Property Types (active listings)


Close to uptown amenities, including shopping, restaurants, and medical services, the community enjoys proximity to all of these conveniences yet retains a pristine and private atmosphere with winding roads in a serene setting.

The terrain varies from lush meadows to forest land, and many properties have stunning mountain views! Pagosa Springs real estate properties range from homes and estates to beautiful vacant land parcels large and small.

Contact Galles Properties to learn more about these beautiful mountain properties, 970.264.1250.

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