You've decided to sell your Pagosa Springs area home and have done the work to find the right real estate Broker to market and sell your property. The listing is in MLS, Galles Properties has completed your marketing package, the website is up and your Galles Properties Broker is off and running garnering exposure.  But here's the thing...we need your help too!

5 Ways You Can Help Market Your Listing

  1. Spread it around.  Copy and paste the link to your listing on our website on a social media post - or in an email to friends.  The more the link is shared, the greater the exposure will grow.
  2. Keep some flyers handy.  Keep information on your property nearby in case a contact has interest or knows someone who might be interested!
  3. Help your Broker find buyers like you.  What magazines do you read? What internet sites do you visit? How did you discover Pagosa Springs? All of this information will help your Broker reach outside the box to find a qualified buyer for your property.
  4. Keep up the Curb appeal. An oldy but goody - keep your property in ship-shape condition and ready to show.  The first impression is always the most important.
  5. Share.  Send that photo of the deer at sunset to your Galles Properties Broker. Or the video of your walk through your land.  Share with your Broker how you are living the lifestyle on your property...and maybe they can help someone else envision the same.

There is so much more to selling a property in SW Colorado than just listing it and forgetting it. And that's where the experienced team of Galles Properties Brokers and our state-of-the-art marketing platform comes in. No other company sells more properties in Archuleta County - and when you are ready we will be here for you.

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