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Square feet
This is an incredible location for for anyone that rents this location, but we are not selling the business, we are selling the building. Roof and parking lot recently re-asphalted. Patio area is great to enjoy your lunch or cocktails under the pergola. This location is centrally located across from a main thoroughfare "City Market Shopping Center". We are also in a very busy shopping center with TBK Bank and Pagosa Medical Clinic. Not only does this have EXCELLENT Highway visibility. During the pandemic this was very busy as we have drive thru which came in extremely handy and business continued. The seller currently pays for HOA/Cam fees of $735 and taxes while tenant pays for the utilities etc. As Skywerx has it's tower on top of this building, they get free internet. The building comes complete with booths, bar area, stools and some equipment. Great opportunity for someone...just hope it's you.
Listing Office : EXIT Realty Home & Ranch