About LeadingRE

Galles Properties has been hand-selected to be a member of Leading Real Estate Companies Of The World. With over 138,000 Brokers in 70 Countries, this invitation-only network is comprised of the top-performing Brokerages in each Market. When you work with a LeadingRE Broker, you can feel confident that you are working with an established company that has passed rigorous qualification standards.

Worldwide relocation services

Leading Real Estate Companies Of The World

550 Hand-selected Market-leading Brokerages
138,000 Agents In U.S. And Worldwide
70 Countries Worldwide

Buy Or Sell...Anywhere.

Galles Properties offers relocation and referral services for clients moving into the area AND for those moving elsewhere. Whether you or anyone you know need to buy or sell a property in another area, our exclusive affiliation with Leading Real Estate Companies Of The World ensures that we can connect you with a market-leading real estate professional anywhere in the U.S. or in over 70 countries around the world.

Learn More About LeadingRE
Ranch landscape view

Relocation To Pagosa Springs Or Anywhere

Through our exclusive affiliation with Leading Real Estate Companies Of The World, Galles Properties offers exclusive access to the services of thousands of the world’s top Brokers.  Simply reach out to one of our Brokers and we will assist you with buying or selling property anywhere in the U.S. and in over 70 countries worldwide.

Local Provider Referrals & Information

Galles Properties Brokers are local - and practice real estate where they live. From appraisers and lenders to inspectors and industry service providers, our contact network and knowledge of area information offer invaluable resources for our Clients.

Global Marketing Reach

In addition to providing a worldwide network of Brokers, LeadingRE also presents a unique and unparalleled opportunity to promote our Galles Properties listings to top Brokers on a Global scale. Galles Properties listings are promoted on LeadingRE.com, exposing them to hundreds of thousands of Brokers and their clients.

For more information on LeadingRE, please visit LeadingRE.com or call Galles Properties, 970.264.1250.

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